function clearExistingValues() { // 清除简单输入框和复选框的值 document.getElementById("endpoint").value = "clash"; document.getElementById("sub").value = ""; document.getElementById("proxy").value = ""; document.getElementById("refresh").checked = false; document.getElementById("autoTest").checked = false; document.getElementById("lazy").checked = false; document.getElementById("igcg").checked = false; document.getElementById("template").value = ""; document.getElementById("sort").value = "nameasc"; document.getElementById("remove").value = ""; document.getElementById("apiLink").value = ""; document.getElementById("apiShortLink").value = ""; document.getElementById("password").value = ""; document.getElementById("nodeList").checked = false; // 清除由 createRuleProvider, createReplace, 和 createRule 创建的所有额外输入组 clearInputGroup("ruleProviderGroup"); clearInputGroup("replaceGroup"); clearInputGroup("ruleGroup"); } function generateURI() { const queryParams = []; // 获取 API Endpoint const endpoint = document.getElementById("endpoint").value; // 获取并组合订阅链接 let subLines = document .getElementById("sub") .value.split("\n") .filter((line) => line.trim() !== ""); let noSub = false; // 去除 subLines 中空元素 subLines = => { if (item !== "") { return item; } }); if (subLines.length > 0) { queryParams.push(`sub=${encodeURIComponent(subLines.join(","))}`); } else { noSub = true; } // 获取并组合节点分享链接 let proxyLines = document .getElementById("proxy") .value.split("\n") .filter((line) => line.trim() !== ""); let noProxy = false; // 去除 proxyLines 中空元素 proxyLines = => { if (item !== "") { return item; } }); if (proxyLines.length > 0) { queryParams.push(`proxy=${encodeURIComponent(proxyLines.join(","))}`); } else { noProxy = true; } if (noSub && noProxy) { // alert("订阅链接和节点分享链接不能同时为空!"); return ""; } // 获取复选框的值 const refresh = document.getElementById("refresh").checked; queryParams.push(`refresh=${refresh ? "true" : "false"}`); const autoTest = document.getElementById("autoTest").checked; queryParams.push(`autoTest=${autoTest ? "true" : "false"}`); const lazy = document.getElementById("lazy").checked; queryParams.push(`lazy=${lazy ? "true" : "false"}`); const nodeList = document.getElementById("nodeList").checked; queryParams.push(`nodeList=${nodeList ? "true" : "false"}`); const igcg = document.getElementById("igcg").checked; queryParams.push(`ignoreCountryGroup=${igcg ? "true" : "false"}`); // 获取模板链接或名称(如果存在) const template = document.getElementById("template").value; if (template.trim() !== "") { queryParams.push(`template=${encodeURIComponent(template)}`); } // 获取Rule Provider和规则 const ruleProviders = document.getElementsByName("ruleProvider"); const rules = document.getElementsByName("rule"); let providers = []; for (let i = 0; i < ruleProviders.length / 5; i++) { let baseIndex = i * 5; let behavior = ruleProviders[baseIndex].value; let url = ruleProviders[baseIndex + 1].value; let group = ruleProviders[baseIndex + 2].value; let prepend = ruleProviders[baseIndex + 3].value; let name = ruleProviders[baseIndex + 4].value; // 是否存在空值 if ( behavior.trim() === "" || url.trim() === "" || group.trim() === "" || prepend.trim() === "" || name.trim() === "" ) { // alert("Rule Provider 中存在空值,请检查后重试!"); return ""; } providers.push(`[${behavior},${url},${group},${prepend},${name}]`); } queryParams.push(`ruleProvider=${encodeURIComponent(providers.join(","))}`); let ruleList = []; for (let i = 0; i < rules.length / 3; i++) { if (rules[i * 3].value.trim() !== "") { let rule = rules[i * 3].value; let prepend = rules[i * 3 + 1].value; let group = rules[i * 3 + 2].value; // 是否存在空值 if (rule.trim() === "" || prepend.trim() === "" || group.trim() === "") { // alert("Rule 中存在空值,请检查后重试!"); return ""; } ruleList.push(`[${rule},${prepend},${group}]`); } } queryParams.push(`rule=${encodeURIComponent(ruleList.join(","))}`); // 获取排序策略 const sort = document.getElementById("sort").value; queryParams.push(`sort=${sort}`); // 获取删除节点的正则表达式 const remove = document.getElementById("remove").value; if (remove.trim() !== "") { queryParams.push(`remove=${encodeURIComponent(remove)}`); } // 获取替换节点名称的正则表达式 let replaceList = []; const replaces = document.getElementsByName("replace"); for (let i = 0; i < replaces.length / 2; i++) { let replaceStr = `<${replaces[i * 2].value}>`; let replaceTo = `<${replaces[i * 2 + 1].value}>`; if (replaceStr.trim() === "") { // alert("重命名设置中存在空值,请检查后重试!"); return ""; } replaceList.push(`[${replaceStr},${replaceTo}]`); } queryParams.push(`replace=${encodeURIComponent(replaceList.join(","))}`); return `${endpoint}?${queryParams.join("&")}`; } // 将输入框中的 URL 解析为参数 async function parseInputURL() { // 获取输入框中的 URL const inputURL = document.getElementById("urlInput").value; // 清除现有的输入框值 clearExistingValues(); if (!inputURL) { alert("请输入有效的链接!"); return; } let url; try { url = new URL(inputURL); } catch (_) { alert("无效的链接!"); return; } if (url.pathname.includes("/s/")) { let hash = url.pathname.substring(url.pathname.lastIndexOf("/s/") + 3); let q = new URLSearchParams(); let password = url.searchParams.get("password"); q.append("hash", hash); q.append("password", password); try { const response = await axios.get("./short?" + q.toString()); url = new URL(window.location.href +; document.querySelector("#apiShortLink").value = inputURL; document.querySelector("#password").value = password; } catch (error) { console.log(error); alert("获取短链失败,请检查密码!"); } } let params = new URLSearchParams(; // 分配值到对应的输入框 const pathSections = url.pathname.split("/"); const lastSection = pathSections[pathSections.length - 1]; const clientTypeSelect = document.getElementById("endpoint"); switch (lastSection.toLowerCase()) { case "meta": clientTypeSelect.value = "meta"; break; case "clash": default: clientTypeSelect.value = "clash"; break; } if (params.has("sub")) { document.getElementById("sub").value = decodeURIComponent(params.get("sub")) .split(",") .join("\n"); } if (params.has("proxy")) { document.getElementById("proxy").value = decodeURIComponent( params.get("proxy") ) .split(",") .join("\n"); } if (params.has("refresh")) { document.getElementById("refresh").checked = params.get("refresh") === "true"; } if (params.has("autoTest")) { document.getElementById("autoTest").checked = params.get("autoTest") === "true"; } if (params.has("lazy")) { document.getElementById("lazy").checked = params.get("lazy") === "true"; } if (params.has("template")) { document.getElementById("template").value = decodeURIComponent( params.get("template") ); } if (params.has("sort")) { document.getElementById("sort").value = params.get("sort"); } if (params.has("remove")) { document.getElementById("remove").value = decodeURIComponent( params.get("remove") ); } if (params.has("replace")) { parseAndFillReplaceParams(decodeURIComponent(params.get("replace"))); } if (params.has("ruleProvider")) { parseAndFillRuleProviderParams( decodeURIComponent(params.get("ruleProvider")) ); } if (params.has("rule")) { parseAndFillRuleParams(decodeURIComponent(params.get("rule"))); } if (params.has("nodeList")) { document.getElementById("nodeList").checked = params.get("nodeList") === "true"; } } function clearInputGroup(groupId) { // 清空第二个之后的child const group = document.getElementById(groupId); while (group.children.length > 2) { group.removeChild(group.lastChild); } } function parseAndFillReplaceParams(replaceParams) { const replaceGroup = document.getElementById("replaceGroup"); let matches; const regex = /\[(<.*?>),(<.*?>)\]/g; const str = decodeURIComponent(replaceParams); while ((matches = regex.exec(str)) !== null) { const div = createReplace(); const original = matches[1].slice(1, -1); // Remove < and > const replacement = matches[2].slice(1, -1); // Remove < and > div.children[0].value = original; div.children[1].value = replacement; replaceGroup.appendChild(div); } } function parseAndFillRuleProviderParams(ruleProviderParams) { const ruleProviderGroup = document.getElementById("ruleProviderGroup"); let matches; const regex = /\[(.*?),(.*?),(.*?),(.*?),(.*?)\]/g; const str = decodeURIComponent(ruleProviderParams); while ((matches = regex.exec(str)) !== null) { const div = createRuleProvider(); div.children[0].value = matches[1]; div.children[1].value = matches[2]; div.children[2].value = matches[3]; div.children[3].value = matches[4]; div.children[4].value = matches[5]; ruleProviderGroup.appendChild(div); } } function parseAndFillRuleParams(ruleParams) { const ruleGroup = document.getElementById("ruleGroup"); let matches; const regex = /\[(.*?),(.*?),(.*?)\]/g; const str = decodeURIComponent(ruleParams); while ((matches = regex.exec(str)) !== null) { const div = createRule(); div.children[0].value = matches[1]; div.children[1].value = matches[2]; div.children[2].value = matches[3]; ruleGroup.appendChild(div); } } async function copyToClipboard(elem, e) { const apiLinkInput = document.querySelector(`#${elem}`).value; try { await navigator.clipboard.writeText(apiLinkInput); let text = e.textContent; e.addEventListener("mouseout", function () { e.textContent = text; }); e.textContent = "复制成功"; } catch (err) { console.error("复制到剪贴板失败:", err); } } function createRuleProvider() { const div = document.createElement("div"); div.classList.add("input-group", "mb-2"); div.innerHTML = ` `; return div; } function createReplace() { const div = document.createElement("div"); div.classList.add("input-group", "mb-2"); div.innerHTML = ` `; return div; } function createRule() { const div = document.createElement("div"); div.classList.add("input-group", "mb-2"); div.innerHTML = ` `; return div; } function listenInput() { let selectElements = document.querySelectorAll("select"); let inputElements = document.querySelectorAll("input"); let textAreaElements = document.querySelectorAll("textarea"); inputElements.forEach(function (element) { element.addEventListener("input", function () { generateURL(); }); }); textAreaElements.forEach(function (element) { element.addEventListener("input", function () { generateURL(); }); }); selectElements.forEach(function (element) { element.addEventListener("change", function () { generateURL(); }); }); } function addRuleProvider() { const div = createRuleProvider(); document.getElementById("ruleProviderGroup").appendChild(div); listenInput(); } function addRule() { const div = createRule(); document.getElementById("ruleGroup").appendChild(div); listenInput(); } function addReplace() { const div = createReplace(); document.getElementById("replaceGroup").appendChild(div); listenInput(); } function removeElement(button) { button.parentElement.remove(); } function generateURL() { const apiLink = document.getElementById("apiLink"); let uri = generateURI(); if (uri === "") { return; } apiLink.value = `${window.location.origin}${window.location.pathname}${uri}`; } function generateShortLink() { const apiShortLink = document.getElementById("apiShortLink"); const password = document.getElementById("password"); let uri = generateURI(); if (uri === "") { return; } axios .post( "./short", { url: uri, password: password.value.trim(), }, { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, } ) .then((response) => { apiShortLink.value = `${window.location.origin}${window.location.pathname}s/${}`; }) .catch((error) => { console.log(error); alert("生成短链失败,请重试!"); }); } function updateShortLink() { const password = document.getElementById("password"); const apiShortLink = document.getElementById("apiShortLink"); let hash = apiShortLink.value; if (hash.startsWith("http")) { let u = new URL(hash); hash = u.pathname.substring(u.pathname.lastIndexOf("/s/") + 3); } if (password.value.trim() === "") { alert("请输入密码!"); return; } let uri = generateURI(); if (uri === "") { return; } axios .put( "./short", { hash: hash, url: uri, password: password.value.trim(), }, { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, } ) .then((response) => { alert("更新短链成功!"); }) .catch((error) => { console.log(error); alert(; }); } listenInput();