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synced 2025-03-15 09:50:20 +08:00
163 lines
6.4 KiB
163 lines
6.4 KiB
"extName": {
"message": "uBlock Origin Lite",
"description": "extension name."
"extShortDesc": {
"message": "In eksperimintele, tastimmingsleaze ynhâldsblokkearder. Blokkearret daliks nei ynstallaasje advertinsjes, trackers, miners en mear.",
"description": "this will be in the Chrome web store: must be 132 characters or less"
"perRulesetStats": {
"message": "{{ruleCount}} rigels, konvertearre út {{filterCount}} netwurkfilters",
"description": "Appears aside each filter list in the _3rd-party filters_ pane"
"dashboardName": {
"message": "uBO Lite – Dashboerd",
"description": "English: uBO Lite — Dashboard"
"settingsPageName": {
"message": "Ynstellingen",
"description": "appears as tab name in dashboard"
"aboutPageName": {
"message": "Oer",
"description": "appears as tab name in dashboard"
"aboutPrivacyPolicy": {
"message": "Privacybelied",
"description": "Link to privacy policy on GitHub (English)"
"popupFilteringModeLabel": {
"message": "filtermodus",
"description": "Label in the popup panel for the current filtering mode"
"popupTipDashboard": {
"message": "Dashboerd iepenje",
"description": "English: Click to open the dashboard"
"popupMoreButton": {
"message": "Mear",
"description": "Label to be used to show popup panel sections"
"popupLessButton": {
"message": "Minder",
"description": "Label to be used to hide popup panel sections"
"3pGroupDefault": {
"message": "Standert",
"description": "Header for a ruleset section in 'Filter lists pane'"
"3pGroupAds": {
"message": "Advertinsjes",
"description": "Header for a ruleset section in 'Filter lists pane'"
"3pGroupPrivacy": {
"message": "Privacy",
"description": "Header for a ruleset section in 'Filter lists pane'"
"3pGroupMalware": {
"message": "Malwaredomeinen",
"description": "Header for a ruleset section in 'Filter lists pane'"
"3pGroupAnnoyances": {
"message": "Steurende eleminten",
"description": "Header for a ruleset section in 'Filter lists pane'"
"3pGroupMisc": {
"message": "Diversken",
"description": "Header for a ruleset section in 'Filter lists pane'"
"3pGroupRegions": {
"message": "Gebieden, talen",
"description": "Header for a ruleset section in 'Filter lists pane'"
"aboutChangelog": {
"message": "Wizigingslochboek",
"description": ""
"aboutCode": {
"message": "Boarnekoade (GPLv3)",
"description": "English: Source code (GPLv3)"
"aboutContributors": {
"message": "Meiwurkers",
"description": "English: Contributors"
"aboutSourceCode": {
"message": "Boarnekoade",
"description": "Link text to source code repo"
"aboutTranslations": {
"message": "Oersettingen",
"description": "Link text to translations repo"
"aboutFilterLists": {
"message": "Filterlisten",
"description": "Link text to uBO's own filter lists repo"
"aboutDependencies": {
"message": "Eksterne ôfhinklikheden (GPLv3-kompatibel):",
"description": "Shown in the About pane"
"firstRunSectionLabel": {
"message": "Wolkom",
"description": "The header text for the welcome message section"
"firstRunDescription": {
"message": "Jo hawwe sakrekt uBO Lite ynstallearre. Hjir kinne jo de standery filtermodus foar it gebrûk op alle websites kieze.\n\nStandert wurdt de modus <em>Basis</em> selektearre, omdat hjirfoar gjin tastimming foar it lêzen en wizigjen fan gegevens fereaske is. As jo uBO Lite fertrouwe, kinne jo it brede tastimming foar it lêzen en wizigjen fan gegevens op alle websites ferliene, sadat standert mear avansearre filtermooglikheden foar alle websites beskikber binne.",
"description": "Descriptive text shown at first install time only "
"defaultFilteringModeSectionLabel": {
"message": "Standert filtermodus",
"description": "The header text for the default filtering mode section"
"defaultFilteringModeDescription": {
"message": "De standert filtermodus wurdt negearre troch filtermodi per website. Jo kinne de filtermodus op in winske website oanpasse nei de modus dy’t op dy website it bêste wurket. Elke modus hat foar- en neidielen.",
"description": "This describes the default filtering mode setting"
"filteringMode0Name": {
"message": "gjin filtering",
"description": "Name of blocking mode 0"
"filteringMode1Name": {
"message": "basis",
"description": "Name of blocking mode 1"
"filteringMode2Name": {
"message": "optimaal",
"description": "Name of blocking mode 2"
"filteringMode3Name": {
"message": "folslein",
"description": "Name of blocking mode 3"
"basicFilteringModeDescription": {
"message": "Basale netwurkfiltering fan selektearre filterlisten út.\n\nFereasket gjin tastimming foar it lêzen en wizigjen fan gegevens op websites.",
"description": "This describes the 'basic' filtering mode"
"optimalFilteringModeDescription": {
"message": "Avansearre netwurkfiltering plus spesifike wiidweidige filtering fan selektearre filterlisten út.\n\nFereasket brede tastimming foar it lêzen en wizigjen fan gegevens op alle websites.",
"description": "This describes the 'optimal' filtering mode"
"completeFilteringModeDescription": {
"message": "Avansearre netwurkfiltering plus spesifike en algemiene wiidweidige filtering fan selektearre filterlisten út.\n\nFereasket brede tastimming foar it lêzen en wizigjen fan gegevens op alle websites.\n\nAlgemiene wiidweidige filtering kin in heger gebrûk fan websideboarnen feroarsaakje.",
"description": "This describes the 'complete' filtering mode"
"noFilteringModeDescription": {
"message": "List fan hostnammen wêrfoar gjin filtering plakfynt.",
"description": "A short description for the editable field which lists trusted sites"
"behaviorSectionLabel": {
"message": "Gedrach",
"description": "The header text for the 'Behavior' section"
"autoReloadLabel": {
"message": "Side automatysk fernije by wizigjen fan filtermodus",
"description": "Label for a checkbox in the options page"
"showBlockedCountLabel": {
"message": "It tal blokkearre oanfragen op it arkbalkepiktogram toane",
"description": "Label for a checkbox in the options page"