mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 09:50:20 +08:00
20660 lines
870 KiB
20660 lines
870 KiB
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/* Website rules to remove warnings */
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s = css rule
j = commonJSHandler
c = commonCSSRule
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q = false(default)/true include query string in matcher
r = URL that you want to block.
e = false(default)/ array of domains that you want to exclude
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"malservice.aftonbladet.se": ["cmp."],
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"pr0gramm.com": ["cmp.quantcast.com"],
"helthjem.no": ["cmp."],
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"saeco.de": ["/cookiewall/"],
"sage.co.uk": ["/Cookies.js"],
"liebherr.com": ["/cmp/"],
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