
    uBlock Origin Lite - a comprehensive, MV3-compliant content blocker
    Copyright (C) 2014-present Raymond Hill

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}.

    Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock


/* jshint esversion:11 */
/* global cloneInto */

'use strict';

// ruleset: swe-1


// Important!
// Isolate from global scope

// Start of local scope
(( ) => {


// Start of code to inject
const uBOL_hrefSanitizer = function() {

const scriptletGlobals = {}; // jshint ignore: line

const argsList = [["a[href*=\"/t?a=\"]","?url"],["a[href*=\".io/c/\"]","?u"],["a[href*=\"/idg.digidip.net/\"]","?url"],["a[href*=\"metromode.se/bouncer\"]","?url"]];

const hostnamesMap = new Map([["aftonbladet.se",0],["livsstil.se",0],["godare.se",0],["byggahus.se",0],["expressen.se",0],["elle.se",[0,1]],["femina.se",[0,1]],["svenskdam.se",[0,1]],["galamagasin.se",0],["rodeo.net",0],["familjeliv.se",0],["vitaestilo.se",0],["allas.se",1],["hant.se",1],["mabra.com",1],["residencemagazine.se",1],["motherhood.se",1],["m3.se",2],["pcforalla.se",2],["macworld.se",2],["metromode.se",3]]);

const entitiesMap = new Map([]);

const exceptionsMap = new Map([]);


function hrefSanitizer(
    selector = '',
    source = ''
) {
    if ( typeof selector !== 'string' ) { return; }
    if ( selector === '' ) { return; }
    const safe = safeSelf();
    const logPrefix = safe.makeLogPrefix('href-sanitizer', selector, source);
    if ( source === '' ) { source = 'text'; }
    const sanitizeCopycats = (href, text) => {
        let elems = [];
        try {
            elems = document.querySelectorAll(`a[href="${href}"`);
        catch(ex) {
        for ( const elem of elems ) {
            elem.setAttribute('href', text);
        return elems.length;
    const validateURL = text => {
        if ( text === '' ) { return ''; }
        if ( /[\x00-\x20\x7f]/.test(text) ) { return ''; }
        try {
            const url = new URL(text, document.location);
            return url.href;
        } catch(ex) {
        return '';
    const extractText = (elem, source) => {
        if ( /^\[.*\]$/.test(source) ) {
            return elem.getAttribute(source.slice(1,-1).trim()) || '';
        if ( source.startsWith('?') ) {
            try {
                const url = new URL(elem.href, document.location);
                return url.searchParams.get(source.slice(1)) || '';
            } catch(x) {
            return '';
        if ( source === 'text' ) {
            return elem.textContent
                .replace(/^[^\x21-\x7e]+/, '') // remove leading invalid characters
                .replace(/[^\x21-\x7e]+$/, '') // remove trailing invalid characters
        return '';
    const sanitize = ( ) => {
        let elems = [];
        try {
            elems = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
        catch(ex) {
            return false;
        for ( const elem of elems ) {
            if ( elem.localName !== 'a' ) { continue; }
            if ( elem.hasAttribute('href') === false ) { continue; }
            const href = elem.getAttribute('href');
            const text = extractText(elem, source);
            const hrefAfter = validateURL(text);
            if ( hrefAfter === '' ) { continue; }
            if ( hrefAfter === href ) { continue; }
            elem.setAttribute('href', hrefAfter);
            const count = sanitizeCopycats(href, hrefAfter);
            safe.uboLog(logPrefix, `Sanitized ${count+1} links to\n${hrefAfter}`);
        return true;
    let observer, timer;
    const onDomChanged = mutations => {
        if ( timer !== undefined ) { return; }
        let shouldSanitize = false;
        for ( const mutation of mutations ) {
            if ( mutation.addedNodes.length === 0 ) { continue; }
            for ( const node of mutation.addedNodes ) {
                if ( node.nodeType !== 1 ) { continue; }
                shouldSanitize = true;
            if ( shouldSanitize ) { break; }
        if ( shouldSanitize === false ) { return; }
        timer = safe.onIdle(( ) => {
            timer = undefined;
    const start = ( ) => {
        if ( sanitize() === false ) { return; }
        observer = new MutationObserver(onDomChanged);
        observer.observe(document.body, {
            subtree: true,
            childList: true,
    runAt(( ) => { start(); }, 'interactive');

function runAt(fn, when) {
    const intFromReadyState = state => {
        const targets = {
            'loading': 1,
            'interactive': 2, 'end': 2, '2': 2,
            'complete': 3, 'idle': 3, '3': 3,
        const tokens = Array.isArray(state) ? state : [ state ];
        for ( const token of tokens ) {
            const prop = `${token}`;
            if ( targets.hasOwnProperty(prop) === false ) { continue; }
            return targets[prop];
        return 0;
    const runAt = intFromReadyState(when);
    if ( intFromReadyState(document.readyState) >= runAt ) {
        fn(); return;
    const onStateChange = ( ) => {
        if ( intFromReadyState(document.readyState) < runAt ) { return; }
        safe.removeEventListener.apply(document, args);
    const safe = safeSelf();
    const args = [ 'readystatechange', onStateChange, { capture: true } ];
    safe.addEventListener.apply(document, args);

function safeSelf() {
    if ( scriptletGlobals.safeSelf ) {
        return scriptletGlobals.safeSelf;
    const self = globalThis;
    const safe = {
        'Array_from': Array.from,
        'Error': self.Error,
        'Function_toStringFn': self.Function.prototype.toString,
        'Function_toString': thisArg => safe.Function_toStringFn.call(thisArg),
        'Math_floor': Math.floor,
        'Math_max': Math.max,
        'Math_min': Math.min,
        'Math_random': Math.random,
        'Object': Object,
        'Object_defineProperty': Object.defineProperty.bind(Object),
        'Object_defineProperties': Object.defineProperties.bind(Object),
        'Object_fromEntries': Object.fromEntries.bind(Object),
        'Object_getOwnPropertyDescriptor': Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor.bind(Object),
        'RegExp': self.RegExp,
        'RegExp_test': self.RegExp.prototype.test,
        'RegExp_exec': self.RegExp.prototype.exec,
        'Request_clone': self.Request.prototype.clone,
        'XMLHttpRequest': self.XMLHttpRequest,
        'addEventListener': self.EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener,
        'removeEventListener': self.EventTarget.prototype.removeEventListener,
        'fetch': self.fetch,
        'JSON': self.JSON,
        'JSON_parseFn': self.JSON.parse,
        'JSON_stringifyFn': self.JSON.stringify,
        'JSON_parse': (...args) => safe.JSON_parseFn.call(safe.JSON, ...args),
        'JSON_stringify': (...args) => safe.JSON_stringifyFn.call(safe.JSON, ...args),
        'log': console.log.bind(console),
        // Properties
        logLevel: 0,
        // Methods
        makeLogPrefix(...args) {
            return this.sendToLogger && `[${args.join(' \u205D ')}]` || '';
        uboLog(...args) {
            if ( this.sendToLogger === undefined ) { return; }
            if ( args === undefined || args[0] === '' ) { return; }
            return this.sendToLogger('info', ...args);
        uboErr(...args) {
            if ( this.sendToLogger === undefined ) { return; }
            if ( args === undefined || args[0] === '' ) { return; }
            return this.sendToLogger('error', ...args);
        escapeRegexChars(s) {
            return s.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
        initPattern(pattern, options = {}) {
            if ( pattern === '' ) {
                return { matchAll: true };
            const expect = (options.canNegate !== true || pattern.startsWith('!') === false);
            if ( expect === false ) {
                pattern = pattern.slice(1);
            const match = /^\/(.+)\/([gimsu]*)$/.exec(pattern);
            if ( match !== null ) {
                return {
                    re: new this.RegExp(
                        match[2] || options.flags
            if ( options.flags !== undefined ) {
                return {
                    re: new this.RegExp(this.escapeRegexChars(pattern),
            return { pattern, expect };
        testPattern(details, haystack) {
            if ( details.matchAll ) { return true; }
            if ( details.re ) {
                return this.RegExp_test.call(details.re, haystack) === details.expect;
            return haystack.includes(details.pattern) === details.expect;
        patternToRegex(pattern, flags = undefined, verbatim = false) {
            if ( pattern === '' ) { return /^/; }
            const match = /^\/(.+)\/([gimsu]*)$/.exec(pattern);
            if ( match === null ) {
                const reStr = this.escapeRegexChars(pattern);
                return new RegExp(verbatim ? `^${reStr}$` : reStr, flags);
            try {
                return new RegExp(match[1], match[2] || undefined);
            catch(ex) {
            return /^/;
        getExtraArgs(args, offset = 0) {
            const entries = args.slice(offset).reduce((out, v, i, a) => {
                if ( (i & 1) === 0 ) {
                    const rawValue = a[i+1];
                    const value = /^\d+$/.test(rawValue)
                        ? parseInt(rawValue, 10)
                        : rawValue;
                    out.push([ a[i], value ]);
                return out;
            }, []);
            return this.Object_fromEntries(entries);
        onIdle(fn, options) {
            if ( self.requestIdleCallback ) {
                return self.requestIdleCallback(fn, options);
            return self.requestAnimationFrame(fn);
    scriptletGlobals.safeSelf = safe;
    if ( scriptletGlobals.bcSecret === undefined ) { return safe; }
    // This is executed only when the logger is opened
    const bc = new self.BroadcastChannel(scriptletGlobals.bcSecret);
    let bcBuffer = [];
    safe.logLevel = scriptletGlobals.logLevel || 1;
    safe.sendToLogger = (type, ...args) => {
        if ( args.length === 0 ) { return; }
        const text = `[${document.location.hostname || document.location.href}]${args.join(' ')}`;
        if ( bcBuffer === undefined ) {
            return bc.postMessage({ what: 'messageToLogger', type, text });
        bcBuffer.push({ type, text });
    bc.onmessage = ev => {
        const msg = ev.data;
        switch ( msg ) {
        case 'iamready!':
            if ( bcBuffer === undefined ) { break; }
            bcBuffer.forEach(({ type, text }) =>
                bc.postMessage({ what: 'messageToLogger', type, text })
            bcBuffer = undefined;
        case 'setScriptletLogLevelToOne':
            safe.logLevel = 1;
        case 'setScriptletLogLevelToTwo':
            safe.logLevel = 2;
    return safe;


const hnParts = [];
try { hnParts.push(...document.location.hostname.split('.')); }
catch(ex) { }
const hnpartslen = hnParts.length;
if ( hnpartslen === 0 ) { return; }

const todoIndices = new Set();
const tonotdoIndices = [];

// Exceptions
if ( exceptionsMap.size !== 0 ) {
    for ( let i = 0; i < hnpartslen; i++ ) {
        const hn = hnParts.slice(i).join('.');
        const excepted = exceptionsMap.get(hn);
        if ( excepted ) { tonotdoIndices.push(...excepted); }

// Hostname-based
if ( hostnamesMap.size !== 0 ) {
    const collectArgIndices = hn => {
        let argsIndices = hostnamesMap.get(hn);
        if ( argsIndices === undefined ) { return; }
        if ( typeof argsIndices === 'number' ) { argsIndices = [ argsIndices ]; }
        for ( const argsIndex of argsIndices ) {
            if ( tonotdoIndices.includes(argsIndex) ) { continue; }
    for ( let i = 0; i < hnpartslen; i++ ) {
        const hn = hnParts.slice(i).join('.');

// Entity-based
if ( entitiesMap.size !== 0 ) {
    const n = hnpartslen - 1;
    for ( let i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
        for ( let j = n; j > i; j-- ) {
            const en = hnParts.slice(i,j).join('.');
            let argsIndices = entitiesMap.get(en);
            if ( argsIndices === undefined ) { continue; }
            if ( typeof argsIndices === 'number' ) { argsIndices = [ argsIndices ]; }
            for ( const argsIndex of argsIndices ) {
                if ( tonotdoIndices.includes(argsIndex) ) { continue; }

// Apply scriplets
for ( const i of todoIndices ) {
    try { hrefSanitizer(...argsList[i]); }
    catch(ex) {}
argsList.length = 0;


// End of code to inject


// Inject code

// https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1736575
//   'MAIN' world not yet supported in Firefox, so we inject the code into
//   'MAIN' ourself when environment in Firefox.

const targetWorld = 'ISOLATED';

// Not Firefox
if ( typeof wrappedJSObject !== 'object' || targetWorld === 'ISOLATED' ) {
    return uBOL_hrefSanitizer();

// Firefox
    const page = self.wrappedJSObject;
    let script, url;
    try {
        page.uBOL_hrefSanitizer = cloneInto([
            [ '(', uBOL_hrefSanitizer.toString(), ')();' ],
            { type: 'text/javascript; charset=utf-8' },
        ], self);
        const blob = new page.Blob(...page.uBOL_hrefSanitizer);
        url = page.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
        const doc = page.document;
        script = doc.createElement('script');
        script.async = false;
        script.src = url;
        (doc.head || doc.documentElement || doc).append(script);
    } catch (ex) {
    if ( url ) {
        if ( script ) { script.remove(); }
    delete page.uBOL_hrefSanitizer;


// End of local scope


void 0;