/******************************************************************************* uBlock Origin Lite - a comprehensive, MV3-compliant content blocker Copyright (C) 2014-present Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock */ /* jshint esversion:11 */ /* global cloneInto */ 'use strict'; // ruleset: default /******************************************************************************/ // Important! // Isolate from global scope // Start of local scope (( ) => { /******************************************************************************/ // Start of code to inject const uBOL_trustedReplaceXhrResponse = function() { const scriptletGlobals = {}; // jshint ignore: line const argsList = [["\"adPlacements\"","\"no_ads\"","/playlist\\?list=|player\\?|watch\\?[tv]=|youtubei\\/v1\\/player/"],["/\"adPlacements.*?([A-Z]\"\\}|\"\\}{2,4})\\}\\],/","","/playlist\\?list=|player\\?|watch\\?[tv]=|youtubei\\/v1\\/player/"],["/\"adPlacements.*?(\"adSlots\"|\"adBreakHeartbeatParams\")/gms","$1","youtubei/v1/player"],["/\\{\"brs_content_label\":[^,]+,\"(?:category|feed_story_category)\":\"SPONSORED\"[^\\n]+\"cursor\":\"[^}]+\\}/g","{}","/api/graphql"],["/\\{\"node\":\\{\"role\":\"SEARCH_ADS\"[^\\n]+?cursor\":[^}]+\\}/g","{}","/api/graphql"],["/\\{\"node\":\\{\"__typename\":\"MarketplaceFeedAdStory\"[^\\n]+?\"cursor\":(?:null|\"\\{[^\\n]+?\\}\"|[^\\n]+?MarketplaceSearchFeedStoriesEdge\")\\}/g","{}","/api/graphql"],["/\\{\"node\":\\{\"__typename\":\"VideoHomeFeedUnitSectionComponent\"[^\\n]+?\"sponsored_data\":\\{\"ad_id\"[^\\n]+?\"cursor\":null\\}/","{}","/api/graphql"],["/.*/","","pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js?"],["\"ads_disabled\":false","\"ads_disabled\":true","payments"]]; const hostnamesMap = new Map([["tv.youtube.com",0],["www.youtube.com",[1,2]],["web.facebook.com",[3,4,5,6]],["www.facebook.com",[3,4,5,6]],["in-jpn.com",7],["app.hellovaia.com",8],["app.vaia.com",8]]); const entitiesMap = new Map([]); const exceptionsMap = new Map([]); /******************************************************************************/ function trustedReplaceXhrResponse( pattern = '', replacement = '', propsToMatch = '' ) { const safe = safeSelf(); const logPrefix = safe.makeLogPrefix('trusted-replace-xhr-response', pattern, replacement, propsToMatch); const xhrInstances = new WeakMap(); if ( pattern === '*' ) { pattern = '.*'; } const rePattern = safe.patternToRegex(pattern); const propNeedles = parsePropertiesToMatch(propsToMatch, 'url'); const extraArgs = safe.getExtraArgs(Array.from(arguments), 3); const reIncludes = extraArgs.includes ? safe.patternToRegex(extraArgs.includes) : null; self.XMLHttpRequest = class extends self.XMLHttpRequest { open(method, url, ...args) { const outerXhr = this; const xhrDetails = { method, url }; let outcome = 'match'; if ( propNeedles.size !== 0 ) { if ( matchObjectProperties(propNeedles, xhrDetails) === false ) { outcome = 'nomatch'; } } if ( outcome === 'match' ) { if ( safe.logLevel > 1 ) { safe.uboLog(logPrefix, `Matched "propsToMatch"`); } xhrInstances.set(outerXhr, xhrDetails); } return super.open(method, url, ...args); } get response() { const innerResponse = super.response; const xhrDetails = xhrInstances.get(this); if ( xhrDetails === undefined ) { return innerResponse; } const responseLength = typeof innerResponse === 'string' ? innerResponse.length : undefined; if ( xhrDetails.lastResponseLength !== responseLength ) { xhrDetails.response = undefined; xhrDetails.lastResponseLength = responseLength; } if ( xhrDetails.response !== undefined ) { return xhrDetails.response; } if ( typeof innerResponse !== 'string' ) { return (xhrDetails.response = innerResponse); } if ( reIncludes && reIncludes.test(innerResponse) === false ) { return (xhrDetails.response = innerResponse); } const textBefore = innerResponse; const textAfter = textBefore.replace(rePattern, replacement); if ( textAfter !== textBefore ) { safe.uboLog(logPrefix, 'Match'); } return (xhrDetails.response = textAfter); } get responseText() { const response = this.response; if ( typeof response !== 'string' ) { return super.responseText; } return response; } }; } function matchObjectProperties(propNeedles, ...objs) { if ( matchObjectProperties.extractProperties === undefined ) { matchObjectProperties.extractProperties = (src, des, props) => { for ( const p of props ) { const v = src[p]; if ( v === undefined ) { continue; } des[p] = src[p]; } }; } const safe = safeSelf(); const haystack = {}; const props = safe.Array_from(propNeedles.keys()); for ( const obj of objs ) { if ( obj instanceof Object === false ) { continue; } matchObjectProperties.extractProperties(obj, haystack, props); } for ( const [ prop, details ] of propNeedles ) { let value = haystack[prop]; if ( value === undefined ) { continue; } if ( typeof value !== 'string' ) { try { value = safe.JSON_stringify(value); } catch(ex) { } if ( typeof value !== 'string' ) { continue; } } if ( safe.testPattern(details, value) ) { continue; } return false; } return true; } function parsePropertiesToMatch(propsToMatch, implicit = '') { const safe = safeSelf(); const needles = new Map(); if ( propsToMatch === undefined || propsToMatch === '' ) { return needles; } const options = { canNegate: true }; for ( const needle of propsToMatch.split(/\s+/) ) { const [ prop, pattern ] = needle.split(':'); if ( prop === '' ) { continue; } if ( pattern !== undefined ) { needles.set(prop, safe.initPattern(pattern, options)); } else if ( implicit !== '' ) { needles.set(implicit, safe.initPattern(prop, options)); } } return needles; } function safeSelf() { if ( scriptletGlobals.safeSelf ) { return scriptletGlobals.safeSelf; } const self = globalThis; const safe = { 'Array_from': Array.from, 'Error': self.Error, 'Function_toStringFn': self.Function.prototype.toString, 'Function_toString': thisArg => safe.Function_toStringFn.call(thisArg), 'Math_floor': Math.floor, 'Math_max': Math.max, 'Math_min': Math.min, 'Math_random': Math.random, 'Object': Object, 'Object_defineProperty': Object.defineProperty.bind(Object), 'Object_defineProperties': Object.defineProperties.bind(Object), 'Object_fromEntries': Object.fromEntries.bind(Object), 'Object_getOwnPropertyDescriptor': Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor.bind(Object), 'RegExp': self.RegExp, 'RegExp_test': self.RegExp.prototype.test, 'RegExp_exec': self.RegExp.prototype.exec, 'Request_clone': self.Request.prototype.clone, 'XMLHttpRequest': self.XMLHttpRequest, 'addEventListener': self.EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener, 'removeEventListener': self.EventTarget.prototype.removeEventListener, 'fetch': self.fetch, 'JSON': self.JSON, 'JSON_parseFn': self.JSON.parse, 'JSON_stringifyFn': self.JSON.stringify, 'JSON_parse': (...args) => safe.JSON_parseFn.call(safe.JSON, ...args), 'JSON_stringify': (...args) => safe.JSON_stringifyFn.call(safe.JSON, ...args), 'log': console.log.bind(console), // Properties logLevel: 0, // Methods makeLogPrefix(...args) { return this.sendToLogger && `[${args.join(' \u205D ')}]` || ''; }, uboLog(...args) { if ( this.sendToLogger === undefined ) { return; } if ( args === undefined || args[0] === '' ) { return; } return this.sendToLogger('info', ...args); }, uboErr(...args) { if ( this.sendToLogger === undefined ) { return; } if ( args === undefined || args[0] === '' ) { return; } return this.sendToLogger('error', ...args); }, escapeRegexChars(s) { return s.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'); }, initPattern(pattern, options = {}) { if ( pattern === '' ) { return { matchAll: true }; } const expect = (options.canNegate !== true || pattern.startsWith('!') === false); if ( expect === false ) { pattern = pattern.slice(1); } const match = /^\/(.+)\/([gimsu]*)$/.exec(pattern); if ( match !== null ) { return { re: new this.RegExp( match[1], match[2] || options.flags ), expect, }; } if ( options.flags !== undefined ) { return { re: new this.RegExp(this.escapeRegexChars(pattern), options.flags ), expect, }; } return { pattern, expect }; }, testPattern(details, haystack) { if ( details.matchAll ) { return true; } if ( details.re ) { return this.RegExp_test.call(details.re, haystack) === details.expect; } return haystack.includes(details.pattern) === details.expect; }, patternToRegex(pattern, flags = undefined, verbatim = false) { if ( pattern === '' ) { return /^/; } const match = /^\/(.+)\/([gimsu]*)$/.exec(pattern); if ( match === null ) { const reStr = this.escapeRegexChars(pattern); return new RegExp(verbatim ? `^${reStr}$` : reStr, flags); } try { return new RegExp(match[1], match[2] || undefined); } catch(ex) { } return /^/; }, getExtraArgs(args, offset = 0) { const entries = args.slice(offset).reduce((out, v, i, a) => { if ( (i & 1) === 0 ) { const rawValue = a[i+1]; const value = /^\d+$/.test(rawValue) ? parseInt(rawValue, 10) : rawValue; out.push([ a[i], value ]); } return out; }, []); return this.Object_fromEntries(entries); }, onIdle(fn, options) { if ( self.requestIdleCallback ) { return self.requestIdleCallback(fn, options); } return self.requestAnimationFrame(fn); }, }; scriptletGlobals.safeSelf = safe; if ( scriptletGlobals.bcSecret === undefined ) { return safe; } // This is executed only when the logger is opened const bc = new self.BroadcastChannel(scriptletGlobals.bcSecret); let bcBuffer = []; safe.logLevel = scriptletGlobals.logLevel || 1; safe.sendToLogger = (type, ...args) => { if ( args.length === 0 ) { return; } const text = `[${document.location.hostname || document.location.href}]${args.join(' ')}`; if ( bcBuffer === undefined ) { return bc.postMessage({ what: 'messageToLogger', type, text }); } bcBuffer.push({ type, text }); }; bc.onmessage = ev => { const msg = ev.data; switch ( msg ) { case 'iamready!': if ( bcBuffer === undefined ) { break; } bcBuffer.forEach(({ type, text }) => bc.postMessage({ what: 'messageToLogger', type, text }) ); bcBuffer = undefined; break; case 'setScriptletLogLevelToOne': safe.logLevel = 1; break; case 'setScriptletLogLevelToTwo': safe.logLevel = 2; break; } }; bc.postMessage('areyouready?'); return safe; } /******************************************************************************/ const hnParts = []; try { hnParts.push(...document.location.hostname.split('.')); } catch(ex) { } const hnpartslen = hnParts.length; if ( hnpartslen === 0 ) { return; } const todoIndices = new Set(); const tonotdoIndices = []; // Exceptions if ( exceptionsMap.size !== 0 ) { for ( let i = 0; i < hnpartslen; i++ ) { const hn = hnParts.slice(i).join('.'); const excepted = exceptionsMap.get(hn); if ( excepted ) { tonotdoIndices.push(...excepted); } } exceptionsMap.clear(); } // Hostname-based if ( hostnamesMap.size !== 0 ) { const collectArgIndices = hn => { let argsIndices = hostnamesMap.get(hn); if ( argsIndices === undefined ) { return; } if ( typeof argsIndices === 'number' ) { argsIndices = [ argsIndices ]; } for ( const argsIndex of argsIndices ) { if ( tonotdoIndices.includes(argsIndex) ) { continue; } todoIndices.add(argsIndex); } }; for ( let i = 0; i < hnpartslen; i++ ) { const hn = hnParts.slice(i).join('.'); collectArgIndices(hn); } collectArgIndices('*'); hostnamesMap.clear(); } // Entity-based if ( entitiesMap.size !== 0 ) { const n = hnpartslen - 1; for ( let i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { for ( let j = n; j > i; j-- ) { const en = hnParts.slice(i,j).join('.'); let argsIndices = entitiesMap.get(en); if ( argsIndices === undefined ) { continue; } if ( typeof argsIndices === 'number' ) { argsIndices = [ argsIndices ]; } for ( const argsIndex of argsIndices ) { if ( tonotdoIndices.includes(argsIndex) ) { continue; } todoIndices.add(argsIndex); } } } entitiesMap.clear(); } // Apply scriplets for ( const i of todoIndices ) { try { trustedReplaceXhrResponse(...argsList[i]); } catch(ex) {} } argsList.length = 0; /******************************************************************************/ }; // End of code to inject /******************************************************************************/ // Inject code // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1736575 // 'MAIN' world not yet supported in Firefox, so we inject the code into // 'MAIN' ourself when environment in Firefox. const targetWorld = 'MAIN'; // Not Firefox if ( typeof wrappedJSObject !== 'object' || targetWorld === 'ISOLATED' ) { return uBOL_trustedReplaceXhrResponse(); } // Firefox { const page = self.wrappedJSObject; let script, url; try { page.uBOL_trustedReplaceXhrResponse = cloneInto([ [ '(', uBOL_trustedReplaceXhrResponse.toString(), ')();' ], { type: 'text/javascript; charset=utf-8' }, ], self); const blob = new page.Blob(...page.uBOL_trustedReplaceXhrResponse); url = page.URL.createObjectURL(blob); const doc = page.document; script = doc.createElement('script'); script.async = false; script.src = url; (doc.head || doc.documentElement || doc).append(script); } catch (ex) { console.error(ex); } if ( url ) { if ( script ) { script.remove(); } page.URL.revokeObjectURL(url); } delete page.uBOL_trustedReplaceXhrResponse; } /******************************************************************************/ // End of local scope })(); /******************************************************************************/ void 0;