import { blockUrls, commonJSHandlers, commons, rules } from "./rules.js"; // Vars let initialized = false; let cachedRules = {}; let tabList = {}; const xmlTabs = {}; let lastDeclarativeNetRuleId = 1; let settings = { statusIndicators: true, whitelistedDomains: {} }; const isManifestV3 = chrome.runtime.getManifest().manifest_version == 3; // Badges function setBadge(tabId, text) { const chromeAction = chrome?.browserAction ?? chrome?.action; if (!chromeAction || !settings.statusIndicators) return; chromeAction.setBadgeText({ text: text || "", tabId: tabId }); if (chromeAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor) chromeAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor({ color: "#646464", tabId: tabId, }); } function setSuccessBadge(tabId) { setBadge(tabId, "✅"); } function setDisabledBadge(tabId) { setBadge(tabId, "⛔"); } // Common functions function getHostname(url, cleanup) { try { if (url.indexOf("http") != 0) { throw true; } const a = new URL(url); return typeof cleanup == "undefined" ? a.hostname : a.hostname.replace(/^w{2,3}\d*\./i, ""); } catch (error) { return false; } } // Whitelisting function updateSettings() { return new Promise((resolve) => { lastDeclarativeNetRuleId = 1; { settings: { whitelistedDomains: {}, statusIndicators: true } }, async ({ settings: storedSettings }) => { settings = storedSettings; if (isManifestV3) { updateWhitelistRules(); } resolve(); } ); }); } async function updateWhitelistRules() { if (!isManifestV3) { console.warn("Called unsupported function"); return; } const previousRules = ( chrome.declarativeNetRequest.getDynamicRules() ).map((v) => { return; }); const addRules = Object.entries(settings.whitelistedDomains) .filter((element) => element[1]) .map((v) => { return { id: lastDeclarativeNetRuleId++, priority: 1, action: { type: "allow" }, condition: { urlFilter: "*", resourceTypes: ["script", "stylesheet", "xmlhttprequest", "image"], initiatorDomains: [v[0]], }, }; }); chrome.declarativeNetRequest.updateDynamicRules({ addRules, removeRuleIds: previousRules, }); } function isWhitelisted(tab) { if (typeof settings.whitelistedDomains[tab.hostname] != "undefined") { return true; } for (const i in tab.host_levels) { if (typeof settings.whitelistedDomains[tab.host_levels[i]] != "undefined") { return true; } } return false; } function getWhitelistedDomain(tab) { if (typeof settings.whitelistedDomains[tab.hostname] != "undefined") { return tab.hostname; } for (const i in tab.host_levels) { if (typeof settings.whitelistedDomains[tab.host_levels[i]] != "undefined") { return tab.host_levels[i]; } } return false; } async function toggleWhitelist(tab) { if (tab.url.indexOf("http") != 0 || !tabList[]) { return; } if (tabList[].whitelisted) { // const hostname = getWhitelistedDomain(tabList[]); delete settings.whitelistedDomains[tabList[].hostname]; } else { settings.whitelistedDomains[tabList[].hostname] = true; }{ settings }, function () { for (const i in tabList) { if (tabList[i].hostname == tabList[].hostname) { tabList[i].whitelisted = !tabList[].whitelisted; } } }); if (isManifestV3) { updateWhitelistRules(); } } // Maintain tab list function getPreparedTab(tab) { tab.hostname = false; tab.whitelisted = false; tab.host_levels = []; if (tab.url) { tab.hostname = getHostname(tab.url, true); if (tab.hostname) { const parts = tab.hostname.split("."); for (let i = parts.length; i >= 2; i--) { tab.host_levels.push(parts.slice(-1 * i).join(".")); } tab.whitelisted = isWhitelisted(tab); } } return tab; } function onCreatedListener(tab) { tabList[] = getPreparedTab(tab); } function onUpdatedListener(tabId, changeInfo, tab) { if (changeInfo.status) { tabList[] = getPreparedTab(tab); } } function onRemovedListener(tabId) { if (tabList[tabId]) { delete tabList[tabId]; } } async function recreateTabList(magic) { tabList = {}; let results; if (isManifestV3) { results = chrome.tabs.query({}); } else { results = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { chrome.tabs.query({}, (result) => { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) reject(chrome.runtime.lastError); resolve(result); }); }); } results.forEach(onCreatedListener); if (magic) { for (const i in tabList) { if (tabList.hasOwnProperty(i)) { doTheMagic(tabList[i].id); } } } } chrome.tabs.onCreated.addListener(onCreatedListener); chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(onUpdatedListener); chrome.tabs.onRemoved.addListener(onRemovedListener); // chrome.runtime.onStartup.addListener(async () => initialize(true)); chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener( async () => initialize(false, true) ); // URL blocking function blockUrlCallback(d) { // Cached request: find the appropriate tab // TODO: parse rules.json for this function. if (d.tabId == -1 && d.initiator) { // const hostname = getHostname(d.initiator, true); for (const tabId in tabList) { if (tabList[tabId].hostname == getHostname(d.initiator, true)) { d.tabId = parseInt(tabId); break; } } } if (tabList[d.tabId]?.whitelisted ?? false) { setDisabledBadge(d.tabId); return { cancel: false }; } if (tabList[d.tabId] && d.url) { const cleanURL = d.url.split("?")[0]; // To shorten the checklist, many filters are grouped by keywords for (const group in blockUrls.common_groups) { if (d.url.indexOf(group) > -1) { const groupFilters = blockUrls.common_groups[group]; for (const i in groupFilters) { if ( (groupFilters[i].q && d.url.indexOf(groupFilters[i].r) > -1) || (!groupFilters[i].q && cleanURL.indexOf(groupFilters[i].r) > -1) ) { // Check for exceptions if (groupFilters[i].e && tabList[d.tabId].host_levels.length > 0) { for (const level in tabList[d.tabId].host_levels) { for (const exception in groupFilters[i].e) { if ( groupFilters[i].e[exception] == tabList[d.tabId].host_levels[level] ) { return { cancel: false }; } } } } setSuccessBadge(d.tabId); return { cancel: true }; } } } } // Check ungrouped filters const groupFilters = blockUrls.common; for (const i in groupFilters) { if ( (groupFilters[i].q && d.url.indexOf(groupFilters[i].r) > -1) || (!groupFilters[i].q && cleanURL.indexOf(groupFilters[i].r) > -1) ) { // Check for exceptions if (groupFilters[i].e && tabList[d.tabId].host_levels.length > 0) { for (const level in tabList[d.tabId].host_levels) { for (const exception in groupFilters[i].e) { if ( groupFilters[i].e[exception] == tabList[d.tabId].host_levels[level] ) { return { cancel: false }; } } } } setSuccessBadge(d.tabId); return { cancel: true }; } } // Site specific filters if (d.tabId > -1 && tabList[d.tabId].host_levels.length > 0) { for (const level in tabList[d.tabId].host_levels) { if (blockUrls.specific[tabList[d.tabId].host_levels[level]]) { const rules = blockUrls.specific[tabList[d.tabId].host_levels[level]]; for (const i in rules) { if (d.url.indexOf(rules[i]) > -1) { setSuccessBadge(d.tabId); return { cancel: true }; } } } } } } return { cancel: false }; } if (!isManifestV3) { chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.addListener( blockUrlCallback, { urls: ["http://*/*", "https://*/*"], types: ["script", "stylesheet", "xmlhttprequest"], }, ["blocking"] ); chrome.webRequest.onHeadersReceived.addListener( function (d) { if (tabList[d.tabId]) { d.responseHeaders.forEach(function (h) { if ( == "Content-Type" || == "content-type") { xmlTabs[d.tabId] = h.value.indexOf("/xml") > -1; } }); } return { cancel: false }; }, { urls: ["http://*/*", "https://*/*"], types: ["main_frame"] }, ["blocking", "responseHeaders"] ); } // Reporting function reportWebsite(info, tab, anon, issueType, notes, callback) { if (tab.url.indexOf("http") != 0 || !tabList[]) { return; } const hostname = getHostname(tab.url); if (hostname.length == 0) { return; } if (tabList[].whitelisted) { return chrome.notifications.create("report", { type: "basic", title: chrome.i18n.getMessage("reportSkippedTitle", hostname), message: chrome.i18n.getMessage("reportSkippedMessage"), iconUrl: "icons/48.png", }); } if (!anon) { chrome.tabs.create({ url: `${encodeURIComponent( hostname )}&url=${encodeURIComponent(hostname)}&version=${encodeURIComponent( chrome.runtime.getManifest().version )}&browser=${encodeURIComponent(getBrowserAndVersion())}`, }); } else { fetch("", { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ issueType, notes, url: tab.url, browser: getBrowserAndVersion(), extensionVersion: chrome.runtime.getManifest().version, }), }) .then((response) => response.json()) .then((response) => { if ( response && !response.error && !response.errors && response.responseURL ) { chrome.tabs.create({ url: response.responseURL, }); callback({ error: false }); } else { callback({ error: true }); } }) .catch(() => { callback({ error: true }); }); } } function getBrowserAndVersion() { const useragent = navigator.userAgent; if (useragent.includes("Firefox")) { return useragent.match(/Firefox\/([0-9]+[\S]+)/)[0].replace("/", " "); } else if (useragent.includes("Chrome")) { if (navigator.userAgentData.brands.length > 2) { const { brand, version } = navigator.userAgentData.brands[1]; return brand + " " + version; } } return "Other"; } // Adding custom CSS/JS function activateDomain(hostname, tabId, frameId) { if (!cachedRules[hostname]) { cachedRules[hostname] = rules[hostname] || {}; } if (!cachedRules[hostname]) { return false; } const cachedRule = cachedRules[hostname]; let status = false; // cached_rule.s = Custom css for webpage // cached_rule.c = Common css for webpage // cached_rule.j = Common js for webpage if (typeof cachedRule.s != "undefined") { insertCSS({ tabId, frameId: frameId || 0, css: cachedRule.s }); status = true; } if (typeof cachedRule.c != "undefined") { insertCSS({ tabId, frameId: frameId || 0, css: commons[cachedRule.c] }); status = true; } if (typeof cachedRule.j != "undefined") { executeScript({ tabId, frameId, file: `/data/js/${commonJSHandlers[cachedRule.j]}.js`, }); status = true; } if (status) { setSuccessBadge(tabId); } return status; } function doTheMagic(tabId, frameId, anotherTry) { if (!tabList[tabId] || tabList[tabId].url.indexOf("http") != 0) { return; } if (tabList[tabId].whitelisted) { setDisabledBadge(tabId); return; } // Common CSS rules insertCSS( { tabId, frameId: frameId || 0, file: "/data/css/common.css" }, function () { // A failure? Retry. if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { console.log(chrome.runtime.lastError); const currentTry = anotherTry || 1; if (currentTry == 10) { return; } if (currentTry > 5) { setTimeout(() => doTheMagic(tabId, frameId || 0, currentTry + 1)); } else { doTheMagic(tabId, frameId || 0, currentTry + 1); } return; } // Common social embeds executeScript({ tabId, frameId, file: "/data/js/embedsHandler.js" }); if (activateDomain(tabList[tabId].hostname, tabId, frameId || 0)) { return; } for (const level in tabList[tabId].host_levels) { if ( activateDomain(tabList[tabId].host_levels[level], tabId, frameId || 0) ) { return true; } } // Common JS rules when custom rules don't exist executeScript({ tabId, frameId, file: "/data/js/0_defaultClickHandler.js", }); } ); } chrome.webNavigation.onCommitted.addListener(async (tab) => { if (tab.frameId > 0) { return; } if (!initialized) { initialize(); } tabList[tab.tabId] = getPreparedTab(tab); doTheMagic(tab.tabId); }); chrome.webNavigation.onCompleted.addListener(async function (tab) { if (!initialized) { initialize(); } if (tab.frameId > 0 && tab.url != "about:blank") { doTheMagic(tab.tabId, tab.frameId); } }); // Toolbar menu chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((request, info, sendResponse) => { initialize().then(() => { let responseSend = false; if (typeof request == "object") { if (request.tabId && tabList[request.tabId]) { if (request.command == "get_active_tab") { const response = { tab: tabList[request.tabId] }; if ( { = getWhitelistedDomain( tabList[request.tabId] ); } sendResponse(response); responseSend = true; } else if (request.command == "toggle_extension") { toggleWhitelist(tabList[request.tabId]); } else if (request.command == "report_website") { reportWebsite( info, tabList[request.tabId], request.anon, request.issueType, request.notes, sendResponse ); responseSend = true; } else if (request.command == "refresh_page") { executeScript({ tabId: request.tabId, func: () => { window.location.reload(); }, }); } } else { if (request.command == "open_options_page") { chrome.tabs.create({ url: chrome.runtime.getURL("/data/options.html"), }); } } } else if (request == "update_settings") { updateSettings(); } if (!responseSend) { sendResponse(); } }); return true; }); function insertCSS(injection, callback) { const { tabId, css, file, frameId } = injection; if (isManifestV3) { chrome.scripting.insertCSS( { target: { tabId: tabId, frameIds: [frameId || 0] }, css: css, files: file ? [file] : undefined, origin: "USER", }, callback ); } else { chrome.tabs.insertCSS( tabId, { file, code: css, frameId: frameId || 0, runAt: xmlTabs[tabId] ? "document_idle" : "document_start", cssOrigin: "user", }, callback ); } } function executeScript(injection, callback) { const { tabId, func, file, frameId } = injection; if (isManifestV3) { // manifest v3 chrome.scripting.executeScript( { target: { tabId, frameIds: [frameId || 0] }, files: file ? [file] : undefined, func, }, callback ); } else { // manifest v2 chrome.tabs.executeScript( tabId, { file, frameId: frameId || 0, code: func == undefined ? undefined : "(" + func.toString() + ")();", runAt: xmlTabs[tabId] ? "document_idle" : "document_end", }, callback ); } } async function loadCachedRules() { // TODO: Load cached rules for V3 to improve speed (Requires testing to see if this actually is faster for v3) cachedRules = {}; } async function initialize(checkInitialized, magic) { if (checkInitialized && initialized) { return; } loadCachedRules(); updateSettings(); recreateTabList(magic); initialized = true; } initialize();