import asyncio import nodriver as webdriver from nodriver.core.element import Element from src.utils import logger from src.utils.consts import CHALLENGE_TITLES from src.utils.extentions import download_extentions downloaded_extentions = download_extentions() async def new_browser(): """ Create a new browser instance with the specified configuration. Returns ------- A coroutine that resolves to the newly created browser instance. Raises ------ Any exceptions that may occur during the creation of the browser instance. """ config: webdriver.Config = webdriver.Config() config.sandbox = False config.add_argument(f"--load-extension={','.join(downloaded_extentions)}") return await webdriver.start(config=config) async def bypass_cloudflare(page: webdriver.Tab): """ Asynchronously bypasses Cloudflare challenges on the given web page. Args: ---- page (webdriver.Tab): The web page to bypass Cloudflare challenges on. Returns: ------- bool: True if the page was successfully bypassed, False otherwise. Raises: ------ Exception: If the element containing the Cloudflare challenge could not be found. Notes: ----- This function repeatedly checks the title of the page until it is not in the list of known Cloudflare challenge titles. Once a challenge is found, it attempts to locate the element containing the challenge and click it. If the element cannot be found within a certain time limit, the function will retry. If the element is found, it will be clicked. If the element cannot be found at all, an exception will be raised. """ challenged = False while True: await page logger.debug(f"Current page: {}") if not in CHALLENGE_TITLES: return challenged if not challenged:"Found challenge") challenged = True try: elem = await page.find( "Verify you are human by completing the action below.", timeout=3, ) # If challenge solves by itself except asyncio.TimeoutError: if not in CHALLENGE_TITLES: return challenged raise if elem is None: logger.debug("Couldn't find the title, trying again") continue elem = elem.parent # Get the element containing the shadow root for _ in range(3): if elem is not None: elem = get_first_div(elem) else: raise InvalidElementError if isinstance(elem, Element) and elem.shadow_roots: inner_elem = Element(elem.shadow_roots[0], page, elem.tree).children[0] if isinstance(inner_elem, Element): logger.debug("Clicking element") await inner_elem.mouse_click() else: logger.warn( "Element is a string, please report this to Byparr dev" ) # I really hope this never happens else: logger.warn("Coulnd't find checkbox, trying again...") def get_first_div(elem): """ Retrieve the first div element from the given element's children. Args: ---- elem: The parent element to search for a div child. Returns: ------- The first div element found, or the original element if no div is found. """ for child in elem.children: if child.tag_name == "div": return child raise InvalidElementError class InvalidElementError(Exception): pass