An alternative to [FlareSolverr]( as a drop-in replacement, build with [nodriver]( and [FastAPI](
> Currenly, due to [bug in nodriver](, if you want to run this project ouside of prebuild container, you have to run `python` after creating venv to patch the library.
I focus maily on Cloudflare, which is tested daily, any other anti-bot challenges should pass out of the box, but if any issues, please report these providers with an example website ❤️
5. Open <> in your pc's browser and using settings on left under websocket, set host to `localhost` nad port to the port you wrote down
6. Check if `chromium` works by running in VNCs terminal command `chromium --no-sandbox`
7. If chrome works, run API by pressing F5 in vscode
8. In Prowlarr (or target client) change port byparr's port to `8181` instead of `8191` (Port opened by and pointing to devcontainer)
9. Check if everything works by testing byparr and observing VNC in browser