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synced 2025-03-18 10:50:21 +08:00
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uBlock Origin Lite - a comprehensive, MV3-compliant content blocker
Copyright (C) 2014-present Raymond Hill
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}.
Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock
/* jshint esversion:11 */
/* global cloneInto */
'use strict';
// ruleset: default
// Important!
// Isolate from global scope
// Start of local scope
(( ) => {
// Start of code to inject
const uBOL_setCookie = function() {
const scriptletGlobals = {}; // jshint ignore: line
const argsList = [["popunder_stop","1"],["ts_popunder","true","","reload","1"],["__pf","1"],["npabp","1"],["popunder","yes"],["dscl","1"],["ppndr","1"],["clicked","1","","reload","1"],["__gads","1"],["clictune_pop","off"],["_ckLV1","1"],["__adClick","1"],["WHITELISTED_CLOSED","1"],["popunder","1"],["softonic-r2d2-view-state","1"],["modal_cookie","yes"],["__gads","OK","","reload","1"],["visits","1"],["ad_opened","true"],["customscript0","1"],["visited","1"],["inter","1","","reload","1"],["Ads","1"],["Ads","2"],["Geo","OK"],["bitmovin_analytics_uuid","OK"],["am-sub","1"]];
const hostnamesMap = new Map([["tnaflix.com",0],["buktube.com",1],["fullxh.com",1],["galleryxh.site",1],["megaxh.com",1],["movingxh.world",1],["seexh.com",1],["taoxh.life",1],["unlockxh4.com",1],["xhaccess.com",1],["xhadult2.com",1],["xhadult3.com",1],["xhadult4.com",1],["xhadult5.com",1],["xhamster46.com",1],["xhbig.com",1],["xhbranch5.com",1],["xhday.com",1],["xhday1.com",1],["xhmoon5.com",1],["xhplanet1.com",1],["xhplanet2.com",1],["xhreal2.com",1],["xhreal3.com",1],["xhtab2.com",1],["xhtab4.com",1],["xhtree.com",1],["xhvictory.com",1],["xhwebsite.com",1],["xhwebsite2.com",1],["xhwide1.com",1],["animesuge.to",2],["anix.to",2],["anix.vc",2],["bflix.to",2],["bflixhd.to",2],["flixflare.to",2],["flixhive.to",2],["flixhq.bz",2],["flixtorz.to",2],["fmoviesz.to",2],["fmovies24.to",2],["hurawatch.bz",2],["hurawatch2.to",2],["losmoviesz.to",2],["mangafire.to",2],["moviestowatch.id",2],["soap2dayx.to",2],["watchseriesx.to",2],["twitchmetrics.net",3],["andhrafriends.com",4],["porno-baguette.com",[5,6]],["xnxxcom.xyz",7],["laweducationinfo.com",8],["savemoneyinfo.com",8],["worldaffairinfo.com",8],["godstoryinfo.com",8],["successstoryinfo.com",8],["cxissuegk.com",8],["learnmarketinfo.com",8],["bhugolinfo.com",8],["armypowerinfo.com",8],["rsadnetworkinfo.com",8],["rsinsuranceinfo.com",8],["rsfinanceinfo.com",8],["rsgamer.app",8],["rssoftwareinfo.com",8],["rshostinginfo.com",8],["rseducationinfo.com",8],["dlink2.net",9],["apkmodvn.com",10],["dl.apkmoddone.com",11],["imgur.com",12],["imgur-com.translate.goog",12],["xcity.org",13],["top16.net",[13,20]],["coolrom.com.au",15],["gourmetscans.net",16],["smartkhabrinews.com",17],["sharedisk.me",18],["shrdsk.me",18],["iporntoo.com",19],["hentai.tv",21],["noticiasdehoje.biz",22],["jornaldigital.org",23],["fandom.com",24],["clickorlando.com",25],["mediaite.com",26]]);
const entitiesMap = new Map([["hamsterix",1],["xhamster",1],["xhamster1",1],["xhamster10",1],["xhamster11",1],["xhamster12",1],["xhamster13",1],["xhamster14",1],["xhamster15",1],["xhamster16",1],["xhamster17",1],["xhamster18",1],["xhamster19",1],["xhamster20",1],["xhamster2",1],["xhamster3",1],["xhamster4",1],["xhamster42",1],["xhamster5",1],["xhamster7",1],["xhamster8",1],["aniwave",2],["softonic",14]]);
const exceptionsMap = new Map([]);
function setCookie(
name = '',
value = '',
path = ''
) {
if ( name === '' ) { return; }
const safe = safeSelf();
const logPrefix = safe.makeLogPrefix('set-cookie', name, value, path);
const validValues = [
'accept', 'reject',
'accepted', 'rejected', 'notaccepted',
'allow', 'deny',
'allowed', 'disallow',
'enable', 'disable',
'enabled', 'disabled',
'on', 'off',
'true', 't', 'false', 'f',
'yes', 'y', 'no', 'n',
'necessary', 'required',
'approved', 'disapproved',
'hide', 'hidden',
'essential', 'nonessential',
const normalized = value.toLowerCase();
const match = /^("?)(.+)\1$/.exec(normalized);
const unquoted = match && match[2] || normalized;
if ( validValues.includes(unquoted) === false ) {
if ( /^\d+$/.test(unquoted) === false ) { return; }
const n = parseInt(value, 10);
if ( n > 32767 ) { return; }
const done = setCookieFn(
safe.getExtraArgs(Array.from(arguments), 3)
if ( done ) {
safe.uboLog(logPrefix, 'Done');
function safeSelf() {
if ( scriptletGlobals.safeSelf ) {
return scriptletGlobals.safeSelf;
const self = globalThis;
const safe = {
'Array_from': Array.from,
'Error': self.Error,
'Function_toStringFn': self.Function.prototype.toString,
'Function_toString': thisArg => safe.Function_toStringFn.call(thisArg),
'Math_floor': Math.floor,
'Math_max': Math.max,
'Math_min': Math.min,
'Math_random': Math.random,
'Object': Object,
'Object_defineProperty': Object.defineProperty.bind(Object),
'Object_defineProperties': Object.defineProperties.bind(Object),
'Object_fromEntries': Object.fromEntries.bind(Object),
'Object_getOwnPropertyDescriptor': Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor.bind(Object),
'RegExp': self.RegExp,
'RegExp_test': self.RegExp.prototype.test,
'RegExp_exec': self.RegExp.prototype.exec,
'Request_clone': self.Request.prototype.clone,
'XMLHttpRequest': self.XMLHttpRequest,
'addEventListener': self.EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener,
'removeEventListener': self.EventTarget.prototype.removeEventListener,
'fetch': self.fetch,
'JSON': self.JSON,
'JSON_parseFn': self.JSON.parse,
'JSON_stringifyFn': self.JSON.stringify,
'JSON_parse': (...args) => safe.JSON_parseFn.call(safe.JSON, ...args),
'JSON_stringify': (...args) => safe.JSON_stringifyFn.call(safe.JSON, ...args),
'log': console.log.bind(console),
// Properties
logLevel: 0,
// Methods
makeLogPrefix(...args) {
return this.sendToLogger && `[${args.join(' \u205D ')}]` || '';
uboLog(...args) {
if ( this.sendToLogger === undefined ) { return; }
if ( args === undefined || args[0] === '' ) { return; }
return this.sendToLogger('info', ...args);
uboErr(...args) {
if ( this.sendToLogger === undefined ) { return; }
if ( args === undefined || args[0] === '' ) { return; }
return this.sendToLogger('error', ...args);
escapeRegexChars(s) {
return s.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
initPattern(pattern, options = {}) {
if ( pattern === '' ) {
return { matchAll: true };
const expect = (options.canNegate !== true || pattern.startsWith('!') === false);
if ( expect === false ) {
pattern = pattern.slice(1);
const match = /^\/(.+)\/([gimsu]*)$/.exec(pattern);
if ( match !== null ) {
return {
re: new this.RegExp(
match[2] || options.flags
if ( options.flags !== undefined ) {
return {
re: new this.RegExp(this.escapeRegexChars(pattern),
return { pattern, expect };
testPattern(details, haystack) {
if ( details.matchAll ) { return true; }
if ( details.re ) {
return this.RegExp_test.call(details.re, haystack) === details.expect;
return haystack.includes(details.pattern) === details.expect;
patternToRegex(pattern, flags = undefined, verbatim = false) {
if ( pattern === '' ) { return /^/; }
const match = /^\/(.+)\/([gimsu]*)$/.exec(pattern);
if ( match === null ) {
const reStr = this.escapeRegexChars(pattern);
return new RegExp(verbatim ? `^${reStr}$` : reStr, flags);
try {
return new RegExp(match[1], match[2] || undefined);
catch(ex) {
return /^/;
getExtraArgs(args, offset = 0) {
const entries = args.slice(offset).reduce((out, v, i, a) => {
if ( (i & 1) === 0 ) {
const rawValue = a[i+1];
const value = /^\d+$/.test(rawValue)
? parseInt(rawValue, 10)
: rawValue;
out.push([ a[i], value ]);
return out;
}, []);
return this.Object_fromEntries(entries);
onIdle(fn, options) {
if ( self.requestIdleCallback ) {
return self.requestIdleCallback(fn, options);
return self.requestAnimationFrame(fn);
scriptletGlobals.safeSelf = safe;
if ( scriptletGlobals.bcSecret === undefined ) { return safe; }
// This is executed only when the logger is opened
const bc = new self.BroadcastChannel(scriptletGlobals.bcSecret);
let bcBuffer = [];
safe.logLevel = scriptletGlobals.logLevel || 1;
safe.sendToLogger = (type, ...args) => {
if ( args.length === 0 ) { return; }
const text = `[${document.location.hostname || document.location.href}]${args.join(' ')}`;
if ( bcBuffer === undefined ) {
return bc.postMessage({ what: 'messageToLogger', type, text });
bcBuffer.push({ type, text });
bc.onmessage = ev => {
const msg = ev.data;
switch ( msg ) {
case 'iamready!':
if ( bcBuffer === undefined ) { break; }
bcBuffer.forEach(({ type, text }) =>
bc.postMessage({ what: 'messageToLogger', type, text })
bcBuffer = undefined;
case 'setScriptletLogLevelToOne':
safe.logLevel = 1;
case 'setScriptletLogLevelToTwo':
safe.logLevel = 2;
return safe;
function setCookieFn(
trusted = false,
name = '',
value = '',
expires = '',
path = '',
options = {},
) {
// https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2616#section-2.2
// https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/2777
if ( trusted === false && /[^!#$%&'*+\-.0-9A-Z[\]^_`a-z|~]/.test(name) ) {
name = encodeURIComponent(name);
// https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6265#section-4.1.1
// The characters [",] are given a pass from the RFC requirements because
// apparently browsers do not follow the RFC to the letter.
if ( /[^ -:<-[\]-~]/.test(value) ) {
value = encodeURIComponent(value);
const cookieBefore = getCookieFn(name);
if ( cookieBefore !== undefined && options.dontOverwrite ) { return; }
if ( cookieBefore === value && options.reload ) { return; }
const cookieParts = [ name, '=', value ];
if ( expires !== '' ) {
cookieParts.push('; expires=', expires);
if ( path === '' ) { path = '/'; }
else if ( path === 'none' ) { path = ''; }
if ( path !== '' && path !== '/' ) { return; }
if ( path === '/' ) {
cookieParts.push('; path=/');
if ( trusted ) {
if ( options.domain ) {
cookieParts.push(`; domain=${options.domain}`);
cookieParts.push('; Secure');
} else if ( /^__(Host|Secure)-/.test(name) ) {
cookieParts.push('; Secure');
try {
document.cookie = cookieParts.join('');
} catch(_) {
const done = getCookieFn(name) === value;
if ( done && options.reload ) {
return done;
function getCookieFn(
name = ''
) {
for ( const s of document.cookie.split(/\s*;\s*/) ) {
const pos = s.indexOf('=');
if ( pos === -1 ) { continue; }
if ( s.slice(0, pos) !== name ) { continue; }
return s.slice(pos+1).trim();
const hnParts = [];
try { hnParts.push(...document.location.hostname.split('.')); }
catch(ex) { }
const hnpartslen = hnParts.length;
if ( hnpartslen === 0 ) { return; }
const todoIndices = new Set();
const tonotdoIndices = [];
// Exceptions
if ( exceptionsMap.size !== 0 ) {
for ( let i = 0; i < hnpartslen; i++ ) {
const hn = hnParts.slice(i).join('.');
const excepted = exceptionsMap.get(hn);
if ( excepted ) { tonotdoIndices.push(...excepted); }
// Hostname-based
if ( hostnamesMap.size !== 0 ) {
const collectArgIndices = hn => {
let argsIndices = hostnamesMap.get(hn);
if ( argsIndices === undefined ) { return; }
if ( typeof argsIndices === 'number' ) { argsIndices = [ argsIndices ]; }
for ( const argsIndex of argsIndices ) {
if ( tonotdoIndices.includes(argsIndex) ) { continue; }
for ( let i = 0; i < hnpartslen; i++ ) {
const hn = hnParts.slice(i).join('.');
// Entity-based
if ( entitiesMap.size !== 0 ) {
const n = hnpartslen - 1;
for ( let i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
for ( let j = n; j > i; j-- ) {
const en = hnParts.slice(i,j).join('.');
let argsIndices = entitiesMap.get(en);
if ( argsIndices === undefined ) { continue; }
if ( typeof argsIndices === 'number' ) { argsIndices = [ argsIndices ]; }
for ( const argsIndex of argsIndices ) {
if ( tonotdoIndices.includes(argsIndex) ) { continue; }
// Apply scriplets
for ( const i of todoIndices ) {
try { setCookie(...argsList[i]); }
catch(ex) {}
argsList.length = 0;
// End of code to inject
// Inject code
// https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1736575
// 'MAIN' world not yet supported in Firefox, so we inject the code into
// 'MAIN' ourself when environment in Firefox.
const targetWorld = 'ISOLATED';
// Not Firefox
if ( typeof wrappedJSObject !== 'object' || targetWorld === 'ISOLATED' ) {
return uBOL_setCookie();
// Firefox
const page = self.wrappedJSObject;
let script, url;
try {
page.uBOL_setCookie = cloneInto([
[ '(', uBOL_setCookie.toString(), ')();' ],
{ type: 'text/javascript; charset=utf-8' },
], self);
const blob = new page.Blob(...page.uBOL_setCookie);
url = page.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
const doc = page.document;
script = doc.createElement('script');
script.async = false;
script.src = url;
(doc.head || doc.documentElement || doc).append(script);
} catch (ex) {
if ( url ) {
if ( script ) { script.remove(); }
delete page.uBOL_setCookie;
// End of local scope
void 0;